
Digital Economy is Here Do Not Reinvent The Wheel

New technologies have the potential to grow the economy and make society more equal and inclusive. At the same time, limiting regulations and innovation and adopting technology in some parts of the world but not others can all undermine these opportunities. These are the questions all companies—and all individuals—face right now. The digital future is in our hands.  Click Here  Do not reinvent the wheel. Partner with experts who have a competitive edge – a team effort across industry is necessary

OlayinkaOyelamiVirtualLawPractice Blog: Business Registration and Online Presence Benefits...

Entrepreneur needs to register his/her enterprise to comply with the requirement of law, that Business Names should be registered, with the exception of very fe w circumstances. In other words, Nigerian law makes it compulsory for Business Names to be registered. The particular Nigerian law here is the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), Chapter C20 2004. Under the CAMA, every person or firm carrying on a business under a Business Name (apart from those exempted), must register the Business Name within twenty-eight days after starting the business. This is the combined meaning of sections 573 (1) and 574 (1) of the CAMA. Read More... OlayinkaOyelamiVirtualLawPractice Blog: Business Registration and Online Presence Benefits... : Starting a business is always the fun part: Coming up with an idea, registration of business name,  building an online presence, and imagi...

Exponential Income Potential of the Internet for Home-based Entrepreneur

The potential of the Internet for the  home-based entrepreneur  continues to be nothing less than incredible. In the  digital world, the large  corporations  have to compete, not just with each other but also with the  home-based entrepreneurs . The large  conglomerates  no longer have the exclusive advantage. Given the low cost of computing power, individual entrepreneurs now have at their disposal the raw materials to develop  digital products  and processes and make them available to the world.  Make money from your Website or Blog. Click here to get stated FREE If you knew that you could get 10x more raw materials every 3 years with no increase in cost in a given  business , would you want to get into that business? The overwhelming answer everywhere is, of course, a resounding "yes!" Thus, all businesses, even traditional  brick and mortar businesses , must market their goods and services. Because  businesses l...

Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Brand and Start Turning Your Business Into Profitable Ventures

Advertising on  OOCORP Ads  is an easy way for you to promote your listings. Ads appear right where customers will see them, such as the first page of search results or product detail pages You place bids on relevant keywords , and if your bid wins and your ad matches the search, your ad gets displayed to customers. These targeted ads can bring your products and services to a new audience and help you maximize your sales with Fast and Easy Set Up! Free S ign-Up!  Free Classifieds  and  Pay-Per-Click Advertising!  Target Millions of Global or Local Customers! Our platform is uniquely positioned at the intersection of passion and intent, where   OOCORP Ads   users browse, research, and buy. As the world’s favorite destination for discovering great value and unique selection, we’ve transformed the commerce experience. Learn More on How to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Brand and Start Turning Your Business Into Profitable Ventures  OOCORP Brands...

OlayinkaOyelamiVirtualLawPractice Blog: Business Registration and Online Presence Benefits...

OlayinkaOyelamiVirtualLawPractice Blog: Business Registration and Online Presence Benefits... : Starting a business is always the fun part: Coming up with an idea, registration of business name,  building an online presence, and imagi...

Connect With Digital Skills Revolution

In less than a generation the Internet has revolutionised the lives of billions of people with unprecedented speed. It has changed the way we communicate, work, learn and engage with the world around us. It has also become a vital force for empowerment. Thanks to the Internet some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, especially women and girls, can access networks that can help them communicate, set up businesses, and access financial and government services. The Internet helps them and their families lead healthier, safer and more prosperous lives.  Connect With Digital Skills Revolution Here Free

OlayinkaOyelamiInvesting Blog: How To Create Financial Freedom By TRANSFORMATION...

OlayinkaOyelamiInvesting Blog: How To Create Financial Freedom By TRANSFORMATION... : DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And ...